Fast crypto swap
The average time for swap processing is about 5 minutes. You can track the progress on the exchange page.
Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%

Limitless exchange
Use xAI wallet to swap most of the assets and tokens available on CoinMarketCap
50 Tokens

Buy crypto with fiat
Make crypto purchases easy on xAI wallet even if you don't own any for the exchange by using your credit or debit card
Press about us
What Moves the Crypto Exchange Industry?
After the recent drama around FTX it is important to provide liquidity and stability, Elon Musk's X had it for years and they will move it to crypto now
Building the bridge
Even in 2025 most people would - rightfully so - rather avoid holding cryptocurrencies. The offer of a known strong company like X will improve this
Swap at ease
Cryptocurrencies can be difficult and complicated to manage. xAI is easy to understand and use for everybody